indefinite continued progress / the shape of time • 2006 Hamburg und Berlin
‘Time': the word for measuring duration is the most often used noun in the English language.
On the list of top 25 nouns, "time" is followed by other movement indicators: "year" is in third place; "day" is fifth; and "week" is No. 17.
Among nouns, "person" is ranked at No. 2, with "man" at No. 7 and "woman" at No. 14 "Child" appears at No. 12.
"Government" appears at No. 20 while "war," at No. 49, trumps "peace," which did not make the top 100.
concept and dance: Eva Karczag
sound and vocal art: Christian Wolz
costume: Hiroaki Kanai
Eva Karczag
Dance maker, dancer and educator. For the past three decades has practiced, taught and advocated explorative methods of art making. Performs solo and collaborative work internationally, many of her collaborations involving links across the arts. Her performance work and her teaching are informed by dance improvisation and mindful body practices (including T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qi Gong, the Alexander Technique (certified teacher), Ideokinesis, and Yoga). Since 1972, she has been a member of leading groups in the field of experimental dance, including the Trisha Brown Dance Company (1979-86). She has taught dance at major colleges throughout the USA, Australia, and Europe, including on the faculty of the European Dance Development Center, (EDDC) Arnhem, The Netherlands (1990-2002). She has a Master of Fine Arts degree (Dance Research Fellow) from Bennington College, VT, USA (2004). Through both her performing and teaching she aims to communicate her love of full-bodied dancing and her interest in the practice of being in the moment.